About license restriction of commercial applications

About the position of commercial applications available

  Commercial applications installed on TSUBAME are available only to those with IC cards for student/staff ID (students or full-time faculty/staff   with employment relationship) under the contract with the software vendor. But some other positions are also allowed to use them under certain conditions.

Applications that are available for people who have TSUBAME account

  All users are ready to use the system, so no special procedures are required.

  • Software listed in "Development environment/libraries"

Application available to anyone by activation from the TSUBAME portal

  All users can use it, but due to the paid version, it is necessary to purchase usage rights for each user in the TSUBAME group application usage settings from the TSUBAME portal.

  • Gaussian

  Applications available to academic users by activation from the TSUBAME portal

  Users affiliated with academic institutions and government agencies may use this service even if they are off-campus users (not available for industrial use).
  For off-campus users who have the right to use the system, you can purchase the usage rights for each user in the TSUBAME group application usage settings from the TSUBAME portal.


  Applications available if you use TSUBAME with an access card that is in a status that allows you to receive preferential on-campus billing treatment.

  If an account based on the access card starting with A has already been issued, it will be accepted, so please inquire about using it. 
The purpose of the use is limited to academic research at Tokyo Tech, so use for research purposes at other institutions or industrial use is not allowed.



Other Applications

 It is necessary to purchase usage rights for each user in the TSUBAME group application usage settings from the TSUBAME portal.


About license restriction

 The following restrictions apply to each account when using the application on campus.
(Except for Gaussian and AMBER, which are applications with no limit on the number of concurrent executions.)

 Please do not occupy the number of licenses.
If you are using the application in a laboratory, etc., the license will be consumed even if the application is still running, so please make sure to stop the application after you finish using it.
License usage may be suspended without warning if license occupancy or prolonged use is observed.


 Maximum continuous use: 1 week
 Below limits are per person usage (excluding Materials Studio)


excution locationrestriction/account
TSUBAME compute node140 120 Token limitation for solver (QSD and QXT) *1
The relationship between the number of parallels and the number of tokens is here.
TSUBAME login nodeThere are excution limitation except for CAE/CAX base license
Lab PCsame as login node

 *1 Due to the specifications of the License Manager, it cannot be applied automatically to all user accounts, and there will be a time lag before the restriction takes effect. Therefore, you may be temporarily exempt from the license restrictions.


execution locationrestriction/account
TSUBAME compute node4Token limitation for base license
64Token limitation for HPC license
TSUBAME login node4Token limitation for base license
forbidden to execute HPC license
Lab PCsame as login node

Materials Studio

execution locationrestriction/account
TSUBAME compute node20 Taken limitation for simultaneous use of CASTEP, DMol3(*total number of all users) 
7Taken limitation for concurrent usage per user
TSUBAME login nodeforbidden
Lab PClimitation for use of CASTEP, DMol3 and polymorph
4Taken limitation of concurrent use of COMPASS
limitation of simultaneous use of visualizer
6Taken limitation for concurrent usage per user(total sum with DiscoveryStudio)

Discovery Studio

execution locationrestriction/account
TSUBAME compute nodeforbidden
TSUBAME login nodeforbidden
Lab PC20Taken limitation for concurrent use of CHARMM andCHARMM Lite
limitation of concurrent use of visualizer
6Taken limitation for concurrent usage per user(total sum with MaterialsStudio)


execution locationrestriction/account
TSUBAME compute nodeforbidden
TSUBAME login nodeforbidden
Lab PCOnly available for Maestro